Making your body stronger
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Making your body stronger

People think that natural health care is about ignoring medical science, but it's actually about strengthening your bodies natural defenses so you can heal yourself. Natural health practioners work on alternate therapy like massage and relaxation, and on using the food we eat as medicine for our bodies and souls. Our bodies are amazingly well designed and can heal most issues if we just give them the opportunity. Unfortunately much of the time the modern lifestyle emphasises fast processed food and a fast paced lifestyle that stresses us out and drains us of our strength. This site has my tips for getting your life balanced again and making your body stronger in every way.


Making your body stronger

  • Natural Ways to Manage Pain: A Guide to Holistic Healing

    24 August 2023

    Living with chronic pain can be debilitating, both physically and mentally. While conventional medicine provides several options for pain relief, these methods can have side effects or not work for some people. Fortunately, natural pain management can help alleviate discomfort without unwanted effects. Exercise Despite the pain, it's important to stay active, as exercise helps release endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. Practicing low-impact exercises like yoga, walking, swimming or cycling offers a myriad of benefits.

  • Why Your Band Aid Might Not Be As Helpful As You Think

    28 September 2021

    Most households around the country have a healthy supply of band aids for all the common cuts and scrapes that people of all ages get. From cooking to cleaning, yard work to tinkering in your car, lots of individuals get these minor knicks that require a solid band aid to stop the bleeding and prevent infections. However, did you know that most regular band aids aren't as good for you as you might have thought?

  • What You Should Know About Osteopathic Medicine

    29 March 2016

    If you are suffering from pain or frequent injuries of your body, you might be looking for a doctor that can help you control the pain. One idea is to visit an osteopathic doctor, who is someone that uses drug-free methods for reducing your pain and treating your condition. Here is more information about osteopathic medicine. Many Physical Conditions Can be Treated  Osteopathy will treat a wide range of physical conditions and ailments.

  • Understand Massage Therapy For Some Common Ailments

    16 March 2016

    Remedial massage is an example of alternative medicine with significant benefits on health and overall wellbeing. Different massage therapies resolve different types of health issues, challenges, and ailments. Understanding what some of these massage techniques involve and the common ailments they treat will help you know the type you can benefit from most. However, consult a specialist and get the best advice for your specific needs. Below are common health issues, and the recommended massage therapy for each.

  • 4 Physiotherapy Treatments That Can Support Those With Rheumatoid Arthritis

    31 July 2015

    Patients with rheumatoid arthritis often have to rely heavily on prescription medication to ease inflammation and pain. However, patients are increasingly seeking drug-free ways to manage their symptoms in a bid to avoid the side effects of their medication. Physiotherapy can be used alone or in combination with medication to help you manage symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis such as stiffness and muscle pain. Here's an overview of four physiotherapy treatments that can be useful to those with rheumatoid arthritis: